One of the most trusted technology review channels on YouTube with over 14 million subscribers, LinusTechTips, recently put out an awesome video featuring a “robot” Linus performing a tech review using the latest in Deepfake technology. It’s incredible to watch the video and witness the cutting edge of what can be achieved using Deepfake, and it was only natural that they chose another cutting edge piece of technology as the subject of the review – the Truly Ergonomic CLEAVE Keyboard!
Truly Ergonomic Ltd., a Canadian technology company, may not be very widely known, but we’re proud of our proven track record of producing high quality computer hardware since 2010. We’re so excited to see our latest creation featured on LinusTechTips (even if they were using a pre‑production version) with the great truthful conclusion “this is a pretty Awesome Ergonomic Keyboard“.

Awesome Ergonomic Keyboard – LinusTechTips
One of the features that robo‑Linus immediately gravitated towards was the Cleave’s incredibly comfortable split key layout, recognizing how it keeps your wrists in a healthy, neutral position without any of the usual compromises found in other ergonomic keyboards, “It’s got a split design and compact layout to reduce overall ‘ulnar deviation’ (twisting of your wrists) and shoulder pain, without losing so many keys that your productivity suffers”. He recognized the wisdom of having important keys like Backspace, Delete, and Enter in the center column where they can be accessed by your strongest fingers, and loved how the Cleave keyboard includes a full suite of function keys as well, where other “ergo boards” eliminate a lot of valuable keys and place most keys in dreadful configurations.
Linus seemed to struggle a bit when trying to remove one of our sturdy switches, something that had more to do with his original technique than any fault with switch design or the switch puller. If anything, we’re grateful for the demonstration of just how well planted our switches are! He also mentioned how he would’ve liked to have seen a braided cable, but we looked into this during our development process and found that braided cables are no better than smooth cables when it comes to computer peripherals. Braided cables are only really useful in appliances like irons to protect them from high heat exposure.
Robo‑Linus also noticed things like our premium quality Top‑Body made of aerospace‑grade Aluminum alloy, our easily adjustable LED backlighting and our comfortable integrated Palmrest. He actually mistakenly referred to our palmrest as a wrist rest, which is understandable since most keyboard manufacturers use wrist rests. Here at Truly Ergonomic however, we know that you should never rest your wrist as this actually causes RSI/CTS. Instead, you can rest your palm on a “palm rest”. Robo‑Linus was right to point out that our carefully designed Palmrest was “firm, yet comfortable, and doesn’t act like a fuzz magnet. Really nice actually”.

Really nice actually – LinusTechTips
The enhanced Linus wasn’t initially thrilled with the positioning of the Control key next to the “A” key instead of CapsLock, but we stand by our decision for a number of very good reasons. The Control key is one of the most commonly used productivity keys, and the most ergonomically efficient location for this key is actually where we’ve placed it – next to the “A” key.
Go ahead and try it for yourself right now, imagine your rarely used CapsLock key was actually a Control key, and you’ll see the clear advantage of our layout. You’ll no longer have to twist your wrist to hit this important key, which will be an absolute life saver for programmers, typists, or any other highly productive users. That being said, we include the option so you can reprogram this Control key back to CapsLock or even Esc for Vim users. Given some time to get used to it, we’re sure the real Linus would agree this extra Control key. These are some of the video comments about this issue:
- “Original XT keyboards had the Ctrl key on the left side of the ‘A’ key; it’s the best position, but then the evil empire placed the CapsLock in this prominent location for no good reason.”
- “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I haven’t used CapsLock in years.”
- “Avid programmers typically switch CapsLock with Ctrl.”
- “You’re actually using CapsLock? I can’t tell if it’s sarcasm or not with the robot voice.”
As for programming keys, in addition to the above Control key, each of the space bar keys as well as the four custom central Shift, Enter, Backspace, and Delete keys, are programmable and can have a different functionality via Firmware without the need of any additional software.
When it came to the price, Linus admitted that while $330 would be expensive for a traditional keyboard, it’s actually pretty standard for high‑quality ergonomic keyboards like the CLEAVE Keyboard. We’ve built the CLEAVE Keyboard to exceed the highest standards in the industry, and are confident it will pay off every single day as it will provide a lifetime of comfortable, pain‑free, lightning fast computing.
So if you or someone you know is looking for an ergonomic keyboard with “great design, great solid construction, and a more usable layout” as Linus himself described it, there’s never been a better time to order your new CLEAVE keyboard!
About Truly Ergonomic
Founded in 2010 and based in Vancouver BC, Canada, Truly Ergonomic has established a solid track record for designing and manufacturing premium quality computer hardware for maximum comfort.
Not afraid to step away from the conventional path, Truly Ergonomic engineers design their products from the ground up based on human anatomy, and deliver cutting edge solutions to the ergonomic problems associated with traditional keyboard products.
Our Mission is to enhance workplace health and wellness by offering superior usability and comfort to every computer user. We are dedicated to helping everyone work in an ergonomic and comfortable way so as to reduce or avoid pain and workplace injuries, thereby improving their quality of life.