If you hear a “clack” sound for every key press:

Conventional keyboards use membrane or scissor key switches with rubber domes that have an uncertain and spongy feel, greatly vary their sensitivity through their short life, and require too much force for every key press.

The Infrared Mechanical switches used for each key in the Truly Ergonomic keyboards require very low force to activate and provide gentle tactile feedback when pressed that helps you feel when each key registers.

If you hear a loud sound for each keypress while using your Truly Ergonomic keyboard, it means you are using too much force – likely badly influenced by conventional products.

You should not hear a loud sound when pressing the keys. We suggest you press the keys as lightly as possible, just enough to activate the key press.

  • It is highly recommended to type while floating your hands, like playing the piano, and only rest your palms on the palmrest when not typing. Resting the elbows on the chair armrests or forearms on the desk is ok.
  • If you are accustomed to typing with keyboards using rubber domes – the most common type for most keyboards as are the cheapest, or using scissor switches like those found in laptops and portable computers, you might be inadequately accustomed to “hammer” the keycaps. In cheap keyboards, you need to hammer the keys for these to work. This means that you are accustomed to using excessive force to press the keys, for these to go all the way down and detect the keypress, as rubber domes require you to press them with excessive pressure for these to work.
  • But, Truly Ergonomic keyboards are manufactured with optical-mechanical switches, where you do not need to hammer the keys. A gentle press is all you need to press the keys past the middle where the actuation takes place. This means that you only need to reach about halfway for the keypress to send the signal to the computer.
  • We suggest you type using minimal force, the least force you can use to press the keys as long as the keys send the letters/symbols to the computer.
  • Once you get accustomed to using optical mechanical switches by applying the least force required to actuate the keys, and for the keyboard to send the characters to the computer, the keycaps will make much less sound compared to hammering the keys, and you will be able to work even more comfortably.

If you hear a “resonant metallic” sound for every key press:

Mechanical keyboards, like the Truly Ergonomic keyboards, have a mechanical switch under each key. The mechanical switch contains a metal spring that, in some instances, when pressed and released quickly, causes the spring to resonate and produce a “metallic ping” sound.

The Truly Ergonomic keyboard has an EVA foam in between the metallic Top-body and the PCB (where all the electronic components reside) to reduce this metallic sound, but some individuals under some circumstances can still hear this particular metallic sound.

You can acquire a ‘wide desk/mouse pad’ that could help allow the keyboard to become stable; like: https://www.lttstore.com/products/deskpad. The entire keyboard will be over a cushioned surface that will help reduce the ping sound.

Please upload the newest Firmware into the keyboard to fix this issue. Follow the instructions found at the bottom of this page under the section HOW TO UPLOAD A NEW FIRMWARE.

If after uploading the new Firmware into the keyboard, the keyboard still doesn’t wake up:

Using a Windows computer:

  1. Open the Device Manager, or press [Windows key][R] and type “devmgmt.msc” and press OK.
  2. In Device Manager, expand “Keyboards”, right-click on the “HID Keyboard Device” and click on Properties. Do this for each, one at a time, if there are several “HID Keyboard Device”.
  3. Go to the “Power Management” tab, remove the check on “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”, and then click OK.
  4. Reboot the computer and test your keyboard.
  5. If that doesn’t work, go back to the Device Manager, uninstall the “HID Keyboard Device” (all of them if there are several HID Devices), and reboot the computer. The computer will then install the correct driver automatically for each.  Afterward, do the above steps 1-4.

Using an Apple computer:

The keyboard not working (waking up) after the computer goes to sleep is a known issue, but unfortunately, it is a current macOS issue affecting some USB peripherals. Besides the Cleave, there are several keyboards, including Apple keyboards, that do not wake up after the computer goes to sleep in Apple computers under certain conditions.

The best solution will be for Apple to fix this issue in their macOS, as they have done in the past. Please update your macOS when an update becomes available. You can learn more about this issue on these pages:  [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250726669][https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250803035]

One possible solution is to connect an external USB HUB to the computer and then the keyboard to the USB HUB. Please give this a try if possible.

Another possible solution is for you to change sleep and wake settings and/or change Energy Saver preferences.

Using a Linux computer:

One solution is to disable the “wakeup from suspend” functionality for the Truly Ergonomic Keyboard at the Linux driver layer. The downside is that the computer would not be woken from “suspend” by pressing a key on the Truly Ergonomic keyboard. However, pressing the computer’s power button or moving the mouse should wake it up.

To disable “wakeup from suspend” for the Truly Ergonomic Cleave, as “root” user, create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-trulyergonomic.rules containing the following single line:

ACTION==”add”, SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, DRIVERS==”usb”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”258a”, ATTRS{idProduct}==”0016″,ATTR{power/wakeup}=”disabled”

This is specific to the Cleave keyboard as it is conditional on the USB vendor+device ID of 258a:0016.

If the computer fails to recognize your keyboard, showing as “Unknown USB Device” or similar:

  • Please save all your work, and then Shut Down the computer – do not set your computer into Hibernate or Sleep modes, make sure you “Shut Down” the computer.
  • Unplug your Cleave keyboard, and do not plug in the Cleave keyboard yet.
  • If you are using a Desktop computer, please plug in any other keyboard.
  • Then turn on your computer, and then sign in if required.
  • When the computer is ready, plug in your keyboard into a working USB port; try different physical USB ports if required.
  • If your computer only has USB Type-C ports, you’ll need an adapter.
  • If using a Mac computer, follow the Keyboard Setup Assistant steps, and then press [Fn][Esc][A] to select the Apple Layout.

If after the above the keyboard still doesn’t work, please do the following:

  • With the keyboard plug-in, press the following three keys [Fn][Esc][R] and keep pressing them until all the keyboard lights flash three times. This Resets the keyboard.
  • Allow up to 30 seconds for the keyboard to Reset.

If after the above, the keyboard still doesn’t work, please use all of the above instructions to plug in the Cleave keyboard into a different computer. As well, sometimes debris inside the USB ports causes false contacts, so please make sure the USB port on your computer is clean and that the USB port works perfectly with another keyboard.

To test the keyboard, press the keys to make sure they send letters/symbols to the computer. If pressing the keys work, but the Backlight is OFF, press [Fn][9] to turn ON the Backlighting.

Another option is to upload the newest Firmware into the keyboard.

Please follow the instructions found at the bottom of this page under the section “HOW TO UPLOAD A NEW FIRMWARE”.

If after the above the keyboard still doesn’t work, test and review if one key is malfunctioning and causing the problem:

If using Windows:

If using macOS:

  • Use the Keyboard Viewer which can be selected from the top bar. Review here.

If using Linux or other OSes with X Windows:

If only clean water drops over your keyboard: unplug your keyboard from your computer, let the water drain, dry it as much as possible with a clean soft cloth or small vacuum, and let it dry overnight. Make sure your keyboard is completely dry before plugging it into your computer.

Otherwise, give your keyboard a bath:

  • Unplug your keyboard from your computer.
  • Submerge the keyboard in a bin containing 20% isopropyl alcohol with 80% Distilled/Deionized water for a few minutes.
  • Keeping the keyboard submerged, shake it a few times to remove debris and contaminants as much as possible.
  • You can also take a clean soft cloth, submerge, and use it to scrub it.
  • Drain the keyboard and let it dry overnight.
  • Make sure the keyboard is completely dry before plugging it into your computer.
  • You might need to repeat this process a few times if required.

Cleave keyboard:

Turn ON your computer, and log in if required.

Plug your keyboard into a working USB port. If your computer only has small USB Type-C connectors, you’ll need an adapter.

The Operating System takes up to 30 seconds to identify your keyboard.

To select the Europe/ISO layout, press [Fn][Esc][E]

To select the Apple Layout using a Mac computer, press [Fn][Esc][A], then press [Fn][Esc][I] to change the [Ctrl left of “A”] to command, and then follow the Keyboard Setup Assistant steps.

You are now ready to work in comfort.

  • Press the [Fn] key, and keep it pressed.
  • Press the [Esc] key, and keep both [Fn] and [Esc] pressed.
  • Press and release the [key being programmed] one time until it starts blinking.
  • You need to be pressing the 3 keys at the same time until the [key being reprogrammed] starts blinking.
  • Then release these 3 keys.
  • Then press the key corresponding to the desired functionality you want to use, according to the list below, like [F1] for Tab.
  • The [key being reprogrammed] stops blinking. If continue blinking, press the key as mentioned above.
  • You can reprogram the programmable keys as many times as required.
  • You can press [Fn][Esc][R] to reset the keyboard to the factory defaults; this deletes all Macros and resets all layouts and keys.

[1] = Space
[2] = Backspace
[3] = Delete
[4] = Enter
[5] = Shift
[6] = Ctrl
[7] = Alt (Left Alt)
[8] = Windows/command
[9] = Menu/Apps
[0] = Esc

[F1] = Tab
[F2] = Shift+Tab
[F3] = –
[F4] = Fn
[F5] = F16
[F6] = F17
[F7] = F18
[F8] = F19
[F9] = F20
[F10] = AltGr (Right Alt)

Press and release [Fn][Esc][Central-Shift]
(Central-Shift blinking)
Press the [2] key
(Central-Shift key becomes a Backspace)
(Central-Shift stops blinking)

[Fn][Esc][Y] = Esc

[Fn][Esc][U] = Ctrl (Default)

[Fn][Esc][I] = Windows/command

[Fn][Esc][O] = CapsLock

[Fn][Esc][P] = F24

You are able to select the included ‘Custom Layout’ by pressing [Fn][Esc][Q] that changes custom keys: cut, copy, paste, undo, back-tab, left spacebar, center Shift, center delete, into F16-F23 allowing you to use 3rd party software such as AutoHotkey (for Windows) or Karabiner (for Mac) to fully customize your layout.

Press [Fn][Esc][CapsLock] to Start Recording.
([CapsLock] key blinking while programming)

Press a letter key [A][Z] to assign the Macro to.

Type the Macro very slowly.

Allowed to type key-combos like [Alt][Shift][9].

[Backspace] deletes the last entered key or key-combo.

Maximum of 31 key-codes per Macro. [Shift], [Ctrl], [Alt], and [Windows] count each as one key-code.

Press [Fn][Esc][CapsLock] to Finish Recording.

To execute the Macro, press [Fn] and the assigned key. Example: [Fn][A]


Apple issue: if you are using a Mac computer and Macros do not show the recorded letters and symbols, please install the newest Firmware – instructions on this page on How to upload a new Firmware.

[Fn][1][Fn][8] Select Customizable profile
[Fn][9] All ON
[Fn][0] All OFF
[Fn][+] Increase Brightness
[Fn][-] Decrease Brightness

[Fn][Esc][Home] Previous effect (until All ON)
[Fn][Esc][End] Next effect (until All OFF)
[Fn][Esc][PageUp] Faster effect
[Fn][Esc][PageDown] Slower effect

How to Customize Backlight Profiles:

  1. Select profile via [Fn][1] to [Fn][8].
  2. Press [Fn][Esc][`  ] to start customizing. ([Fn] key blinking while customizing)
  3. Press any key to turn the light ON or OFF.
  4. Press [Fn][-] or [Fn][+] to change brightness.
  5. Press [Fn][Esc][`  ] to finish customizing.

If you need to upload new Firmware into the keyboard, please note the application to upload the Firmware only works on Windows.

If you have a Mac, you could use BootCamp or Parallels allowing direct access to the keyboard.

If you do not have a Windows computer, please ask a friend, family, or coworker to help you. After the Firmware has been uploaded, the keyboard can be used on any computer using Windows, Mac, Chrome, or Linux.

Using a Windows computer:

  • Turn on the Windows computer and sign in if required.
  • When the computer is ready, connect your Cleave keyboard to a working USB port; try different physical USB ports if required.
  • Allow up to 30 seconds for the computer to recognize the keyboard.
  • Please download the ZIP file [Truly-Ergonomic-CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v211-v212.zip] to the Windows computer, and extract the ZIP file into a folder. The ZIP includes two folders and two files within each folder.
  • Go to the Folder “CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v212” and Run the application (double-click the Truly-Ergonomic-CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v212.EXE file). There is no need to install any software on the computer or download any software from the internet. The application only uploads the Firmware into the Cleave keyboard.
  • The application will be showing “Connect keyboard” until it detects the Cleave keyboard. If the application is running but you cannot see the text “Connect keyboard”, please open the Control Panel, search for “Make text and other items larger or smaller”, and set it to “Smaller – 100% (default)”.
  • It can take up to 30 seconds to detect the keyboard. Is possible for the keyboard to turn on and off the backlight, and then it takes up to 30 seconds for the computer to detect the keyboard.
  • When the keyboard is detected, it shows “Uploading Firmware…” while uploading the Firmware.
  • If after 30 seconds the text “Connect keyboard” continue showing:
    1. You will need to first upload Firmware v211 and then Firmware v212.
    2. Close the Application v212.
    3. Go to the Folder “CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v211” and Run the application (double click the Truly-Ergonomic-CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v211.EXE file).
    4. The application will be showing “Connect keyboard” until it detects the Cleave keyboard, then “Uploading Firmware…”, and then “OK – Unplug keyboard”.
    5. Close the Application v211.
    6. Go to the Folder “CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v212” and Run the application (double-click the Truly-Ergonomic-CLEAVE-Firmware-Update-v212.EXE file).
  • When finished Uploading Firmware, it shows “OK – Unplug keyboard”.
  • Close the Application v212.
  • Unplug your keyboard.
  • Wait 5 seconds.
  • Connect your keyboard once again.
  • Press and hold  [Fn][Esc][R]  until all the keyboard lights flash three times, for the keyboard to reset and restart.
  • Allow up to 30 seconds for the computer to recognize the keyboard once again.
  • Test your keyboard.

You are now ready to work in comfort.



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